Fractional DevRel: Maximize Your Developer Relations with AI + Human Talent

Flexible Developer Relations and Evangelism services tailored to your needs, saving you time and money.

Imagine launching a groundbreaking product, but no one understands its potential because you couldn’t effectively reach and engage the developer community. This is where developer relations (DevRel) becomes the game-changer.

At Prime Mind AI, our Fractional DevRel service bridges the gap between innovation and community. We combine AI-driven insights with over 20 years of human expertise in development, DevRel, and content creation to deliver flexible, impactful solutions.

Our tailored approach ensures your product not only reaches but resonates with developers, fostering a thriving community and accelerating your success—all without the hefty costs of a full-time employee or team.


Content & Code Creation

We create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your developer audience.

Our expert team, supported by advanced AI tools, produces blogs, tutorials, and comprehensive documentation that showcase the value and functionality of your products.

Community Building & Management

We build and manage vibrant developer communities where members can connect, collaborate, and grow.

Our dedicated team ensures active engagement, moderates discussions, and fosters a supportive environment.

Developer Advocacy

We serve as the voice of your developer community, gathering valuable feedback and advocating for their needs.

Our team ensures that developers feel heard and valued, bridging the gap between your product team and the developer community.

Social Media Management

We enhance your online presence through strategic social media management.

Our team creates and shares engaging content, interacts with followers, and uses analytics to optimize performance across various platforms.

Event Planning & Speaking

We organize and host impactful webinars, hackathons, and other events.

Our team can also represent your brand and speak at industry-leading conferences and events on your behalf.

Onboarding & Training

We streamline the onboarding process for new developers and provide comprehensive training programs.

Our team ensures that developers quickly adapt to your technology stack and development practices, leading to increased productivity.

Flexible Pricing Plans


$3,000 / month

20 hours of service

Ideal for startups and small teams

Services include:

  • Content creation (up to 4 pieces/month)
  • Community management (moderation and engagement)
  • Basic social media management
  • Monthly progress report


$6,000 / month

40 hours of service

Perfect for growing companies

Services include:

  • Content creation (up to 8 pieces/month)
  • Community management (active engagement and growth strategies)
  • Event planning and hosting (1 event/month)
  • Social media management (strategy and execution)
  • Bi-weekly progress reports


$12,000 / month

80 hours of service

Best for large enterprises

Services include:

  • Content creation (up to 12 pieces/month)
  • Community management (full management and growth strategies)
  • Event planning and hosting (2 events/month)
  • Social media management (comprehensive strategy and execution)
  • Developer advocacy and feedback loops
  • Weekly progress reports and strategy sessions

Project Based


One-time projects such as a content series, event organization, or a comprehensive social media campaign.

Customizable based on specific needs and scope.

Maximize Your Developer Impact Today!

Our exclusive Fractional DevRel service is booking up quick. We only have a few spots open so sign up today to secure your spot…

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime with your questions, comments or feedback.

West Coast Office
PO BOX 174
Hurricane, Utah

(650) 434-2068